Reading & Research Journals

Make it stand out.

  • Reading Response Journal

    The Above is a High-Level overview of what can be done in a journal.

    Only with the first entry of a book should Title be listed. Each following entry of the same book does not need title relisted. Same goes for level and page numbers.

    The summary is for what is read that day by them or to them. It is meant to be reflective and show characters, setting, and main events. It also contains one or more reflections, and at least one of the following: I wonder, notice, learned, think, wish statement.

    Vocabulary is for new words they came across they want to share. There is not a requirement to have a vocabulary word every day.

    When a book is complete, they should be able to take an AR test on and start a new entry for the next book.

  • Research Journal

    Each day a topic is connected to the previous days research based on student sharing. Their journal should contain the question of the day, and answers they were able to learn from a person, a book, the internet, a video, etc. They can draw illustrations, add additional information or a factoid Fun Fact.

    They should work hard to put into their own words and reference the source they got the information from. Using "kid" or "child" in the search question on the internet can generate child friendly websites and images.

    If struggling with topic they should look for a short video that explains the content.

    Three times a year we will generate presentations on a subject of their choice from their journals.